Stainless steel wire for beehives frames 304 Ø 0.45 mm - 3.00Kg 2400 meters...
Réf : 0008780
Spool of 5 Kg
1250 meters
In MIG welding, solid stainless steel wire is a filler material or a welding wire: used to join thick stainless steel parts and therefore for filling. 316L stainless steel is resistant to corrosion in acidic environments
Grade : 316LSi
Wire diameter: 0,8 mm
Ref : 9822
Product : Spool
Lenght: 1250 meters
Weight: 5 Kg
Stainless steel wire for beehives frames 304 Ø 0.45 mm - 3.00Kg 2400 meters...
Réf : 0008780
Stainless steel wire 304L - Ø 0.15 mm - V2A soft annealed polished Food...
Réf : 0014827
Stainless steel MIG welding wire 316LSi - Ø 0.6 mm - V4A - 1.4430, 5.00Kg...
Réf : 0011783
Stainless steel wire 304 - Ø 3 mm - V2A soft annealed Food contact approved...
Réf : 0006203
Stainless steel wire 304L - Ø 1.3 mm - V2A soft annealed mat Food contact...
Réf : 0015792
Stainless steel wire 316L - Ø 1.8 mm - V4A soft annealed Food contact...
Réf : 0015317
Stainless steel MIG welding wire 316LSi - Ø 0.8 mm - V4A - 1.4430, 15.00Kg...
Réf : 0008903
Stainless steel MIG welding wire 316LSi - Ø 1 mm - V4A -1.4430, 5.00Kg 800...
Réf : 0010624